Janove Ottesen’s Other Side?


The question mark at the end of my title implies that I am even somewhat knowledgeable on the subject of what Janove Ottesen’s other, other side is– the one opposite of the one that I am referring to in my title– which I am not. So I thought that I would throw that out there. To tell you the truth, I know close to nothing about the man. I know that his name is Janove Ottesen, I know that he is a musician, and I know that he is in the Norwegian sextet Kaizers Orchestra, and just released his first solo album in the US. That is everything that I know about him. Nothing more, and hopefully nothing less.

The reason that I titled my title what I did, is because Janove’s solo album seems to be QUITE different than his bands music. I don’t know exactly what to think about Kaizers Orchestra, and having only listened to a few songs, I must say that the songs seem a bit odd to me. And from what I read about their concerts, the band also seems kind of odd…having gas masks, crowbars, oil barrels, etc. present. I guess in parts of Europe they are really big, and have the highest-selling debut album sung in the Norwegian language. While Kaizers Orchestra music may not really be my taste, I did check out some of the lead singer of the band, Janove Otteson’s, solo music. Like I said, it is extremely different than his bands work, and from what I am gathering, that is why he chose to do the album.

For one thing, the solo album is in English as opposed to Norwegian, which makes it so much less confusing, and from what I’ve heard on the album, there are a few songs that I think are worth sharing. After having heard Kaizers Orchestra, Otteson’s solo album really intrigued me as it might you as well if you check out a sample of the bands music first. How this can be the same person, I’m just not sure.

Album: Francis’ Lonely Night’s

Janove Ottesen – This City Kills

Janove Ottesen – Black and White Movie

Random Kaizers Orchestra song:

Kaizers Orchestra – Djevelens Orkester

4 thoughts on “Janove Ottesen’s Other Side?

  1. Norway calling! Going to a Kaizers-concert the 29th :) And really looking forward to it, it is my third !

    You may understand more of Kaizers if you see the subtitled youtube-videos…

    “Di grind subtitled”


    “knekker deg til sist, subtitled”

    Love from Nadiyya the norwegian. Good luck

  2. Well, I’m not at all surprised that you feel this way about him. I’m from Hungary, and I freakishly love both Kaizers and Francis’ lonely nights (except for Maskineri), but most people around me can’t appreciate the Kaizers songs. They’re so unique, they can’t be categorized. Francis’ lonely nights is much more commercial, but still with Janove’s amazing lyrics. Check out this interview, he says he wanted to do something “straight and simple” when he made his solo album : http://www.faceculture.tv/index.php?cnti_key=11768296 (the third part, in the second half)
    By the way, I think Kaizers’s only famous in Norway and in some of the surrounding countries (Germany, Denmark). Maybe the reason is that they sing in Norwegian (how can anyone not love the sound of that language???), so if it helps, here’s an absolutely terrific web site with all their lyrics translated to English (and it’d be a shame to miss the chance to enter the thrilling world of Kaizers lyrics, with mental institutions, Mafia families, Russian rulette, devil and hell:))
    In conclusion, I guess Janove’s the most perfect guy in the world:))

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