My Favorite Musician: Cat Stevens


When talking with friends, I always show a lot of Wilco love, to a point where anyone would reasonably assume that Wilco is my favorite band. I’ve even convinced myself. But in truth, as much as Wilco will always hold a special place in my heart, I can’t say they are my absolute favorite. Not over Cat Stevens. I am in love with his older music (sorry Yusuf). Even though I listen to Wilco more regularly, and overall probably like more of their songs than Stevens, the songs of Cat Stevens that I do like, are earth shattering. They are simply the best songs I have ever heard before.

I go through phases of listening to his music, but when I get hooked, I get hooked hard. This time around, The Shivers triggered it, by me listening to their song “SoHo Party.” You may not expect it from lyrics at the beginning of the song, I would say:), but it turns into an amazing cover of Cat Stevens “The Wind.”

You are probably familiar with Stevens’ hit songs. I would say, spend this weekend listening through them. See if it sparks anything. And hey, maybe he just isn’t THAT artist for you, in the same way he is for me. That’s cool. Let me know who that artist is for you, and I’ll check them out.

The philosophy behind change really fascinates me. Look at the difference.


This is even better then the above link. Couldn’t embed.


The Great Cat Stevens:

Cat Stevens – The Wind

Cat Stevens – Sitting

Cat Stevens-Where Do the Children Play?

Cat Stevens-Father and Son

Cat Stevens – Trouble

Cat Stevens – Tea for the Tillerman (Extras anyone?)

Yusuf – Maybe There’s A World
Covers n Stuff:

Elliott Smith – Trouble

The Shivers – SoHo Party

The Braids – The Wind (This is by far one of the worst covers I have ever heard. Enjoy!)

Fun Fact:

When the Flaming Lips first wrote “Fight Test,” there was a element that reminded them of Cat’s Stevens’ “Father and Son.” They changed it up, and like Wayne says, if he hadn’t mentioned it, nobody would have made the connection. Regardless, he told magazines about it, Cat Steven’s publishing company found out, and now the company owns 30% of the song. Sad, but funny. I wonder if they make 30% of the iTunes Original track where Wayne talks about it?

The Cat Stevens Connection (Flaming Lips iTunes Original)

Flaming Lips – Fight Test

Song of the Day – 4/4/08

Quick one here.


The Flaming Lips are one of my favorite bands of all time. Last year’s Bonnaroo beheld one of the greatest concerts of my young life. The Flaming Lips and their philosophy have changed my life forever, undoubtedly.

I forgot to track down their song from the Good Luck Chuck soundtrack, so now that I have it, I gotta share it, right? The song, like so many of the Lips’ work is a triumphant and joyous piece about “the fucked-up days.” Do I really need to get pretentious on this one? Absolutely not. I love you all.

MP3: The Flaming Lips – “I Was Zapped By The Lucky Super Rainbow”

Check out the Good Luck Chuck OST, it’s pretty good:

Amazon | iTunes

In other Flaming Lips news, Christmas on Mars is finally finished! It’s premiering at Bonnaroo and Sasquatch, so if you have the time and the existential willpower, go and experience it in the context of another world. Hope to see you there! Here are some tracks from the movie, I hope you’re “surprised.”

MP3: The Flaming Lips – “Galactic Melancholy” from Christmas on Mars

MP3: The Flaming Lips – “Syritis Major” from Christmas on Mars


and here’s one of my favorites just because:

MP3: The Flaming Lips – “Enthusiasm for Life Defeats Existential Fear”

For now, all is right with the world.