Song of the Day – 2/19/08

The best 26 minutes and 39 seconds of my day were spent listening to The Antlers 2007 release, In The Attic Of The Universe. Shy of even thirty minutes, this musical journey is exactly the kind of work that leaves you wanting more. Every so often I would find myself trying to get into the mind of The Antlers (a.k.a Peter Silberman) and the song would end, giving way to yet another side of the multifaceted artist. Every one of the eight songs is wonderful. The album opens with the found noises of nature and, from there, weaves a masterpiece of sound that never truly quits and most definitely cuts to the core.

Not afraid to use a variety of different sounds together, he works to ensure the purity and as a listener, his desire to express himself unfiltered certainly shows. Silberman’s voice was a little surprising at first and is walking the line in such a way that some people may be turned off–but give it a chance, you won’t be disappointed. (Also, many of the tracks are instrumental).

This track from the middle of the album turned up while on shuffle and I was hooked from there.

MP3: The Antlers – “The Universe Is Going To Catch You”

My biggest grudge against the album is its brevity. The second track, “Look!” is only 1:56 and more than half is the setup. But the payoff is fucking sweet…

MP3: The Antlers – “Look!”

MP3: The Antlers – “The Carrying Arms” (Awesome.)

MP3: The Antlers – “When You Sleep (My Bloody Valentine Cover)

Home | MySpace | Fall Records (Human Host, Page France) | Hype Machine

Pick up In The Attic Of The Universe from: iTunes | Amazon | Fall Records | eMusic

Pick up some more MP3’s (ep selections & covers) from The Antlers download page.

Also, here’s some of The Antlers side-project work: The Pet Ghost Project | Darby Cicci

Song of the Day – 1/24/08

It actually started out as one of those jam things I was talking about, where I just had a few friends who wanted to play more and we talked about getting together once a week and just jamming. We did that once or twice and I was like, “This is boring, I’m tired of jamming.” I want to actually play some songs. It comes and goes, the moods of what kind of music I feel like making. Sometimes jamming is just dull and boring, so I started learning some songs. I want to do this forever. I’d love to have this going on always, just to keep in practice of playing and recording but you don’t have to write the songs. We’re still interpreting music. I feel very much super involved in it. I feel as excited about doing this stuff as I have about any Built to Spill things, and I feel its every bit as valid as a Built to Spill record. (via Pop Matters)

Words from the mouth of Built to Spill frontman Doug Martsch. Click below for more of the interview.

In 2006, Martsch sold 7-song discs of the Boise Cover Band album Unoriginal Artists on the Built to Spill tour that year. Why I hadn’t heard about it, I have no idea. But what I am certain of is this: This is a treasue.

The album consists of “reggae” covers of old soul tracks and even a little David Bowie. Since the release of You In Reverse Built to Spill have been touring constantly, but shy of the studio–this fills the void a little. If they are coming ANYWHERE near you, go see em. If you missed em, here’s the song of the day:

MP3: Boise Cover Band – “Ashes to Ashes (David Bowie Cover)”

This album is DEFINITELY worth the purchase: Newbury Comics | ShopIndi

More Doug Martsch related covers:

MP3: Boise Cover Band – “I Love You More (Lee Williams And The Cymbals Cover)”

MP3: Built to Spill – “Re-arrange (Gladiators Cover)”

MP3: Built to Spill – “Freebird (Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover) – Live”

and of course:

MP3: Built to Spill – “Cortez the Killer (Neil Young Cover) – Live”

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Rediscovering the Video – 1/19/07

[youtube][/youtube]That’s The Flaming Lips WONDERFUL video for “Mr. Ambulance Driver”

MP3: The Flaming Lips – “Mr. Ambulance Driver”

Something I realized lately is that music videos, with the “perversion” “corruption” of MTV, the value of a music video is totally overlooked. So every once in a while I’m going to post some videos with the intent that you, the reader, look not only at the pretty moving pictures but analyze it as an entity itself. There are some amazing creators and artists that are missing the credit they deserve. It is a humble community that begs to receive credit long overdue. I’m not going to give my input out just yet, but I’d love to know how these move you. The underground of the music video business is exploding with creativity and character. Click below to read this installment of Rediscovering the Video.

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Song of the Day – 1/12/07 + THE GLORY OF THE PACKERS!

A few weeks ago I got an album by The Bad Plus from a friend of mine. I didn’t catch too much from them but had heard things like their cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and ended up writing them off as a novelty thing, although great jazz musicians. Later I was searching my dad’s CD collection and stumbled on 4 volumes of NPR’s All Songs Considered. Somewhere in there I heard your song of the day for January 12th, 2008.

MP3: The Bad Plus – “The Big Eater”

The Bad Plus are a group of midwesterners, the bassist and drummer growing up in Minnesota and the pianist hailing from the great state of Wisconsin. Mixing rock, experimental and especially jazz theory into a volatile mix like this yielded amazing originality and success for the three. I had the honor of listening to three of their albums today and, while I decided my favorite was 2003’s These Are The Vistas, each one holds its own. Their songs are all truly small adventures–always keeping the listener guessing what will come next. Like a slightly less experimental and more traditional MMW, The Bad Plus gets creative and taps at the often overlooked “Contemporary Jazz” genre. I will forever have a special place in my music collection for these guys.

MP3: The Bad Plus – “Keep the Bugs Off Your Glass and Bears…”

MP3: The Bad Plus – “1972 Bronze Medalist” (awesome)

MP3: The Bad Plus – “Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana Cover)”

The Bad Plus: Home | MySpace | iTunes | Amazon

Here’s them doing a cover of Aphex Twin’s “Flim”:


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Trax Fer Yr iPod

And movies for your face…

I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness – “The Owl”

  • [youtube][/youtube]

Lightspeed Champion – “Galaxy of the Lost”

  • [youtube][/youtube]

Radiohead – “Bodysnatchers” (Live)

  • [youtube][/youtube]

Have a nice weekend, all…

I forgot about Christmas…

I’m sure this will end with me being accused of treason of some kind, but just to settle… I really do love Christmas and I love you all.

Aside from being the time of the year where fantastic deals heavenly praises flood  suburban malls Earth–other than being a time to look to the age-old decorations of pine and tinsel to remind us of desire generosity–Christmas has some economical historical significance too. It recalls a very special time…

You don’t hate Christmas, do you? Sing along if you know the words!

The day that Capitalism Jesus Christ wasn’t was born is one we can never forget. Or can we? Now, I’m a Hindu… but I grew up in rural Wisconsin, so I know my sacred holidays. This year, however, something is different. While everyone was blasting their Christmas music as soon as the turkey was finished, I didn’t. Maybe living on my own secludes me… maybe the unforgiving Boston winter has abused my ductile heart… or maybe the bullshit is just too much to take this time… all I know is that it’s been business as usual. So here’s my playlist for all of you suffering from the inability to get psyched for this year’s commercial fuckshow Holiday Season.

It’s full of great songs that I’ve been keeping on rotation lately. Good for any season. There’s honestly not an obvious theme here, but if you make a little playlist I’m sure one of these songs will be perfect for the time… and that time is anytime, by the way. Check em out. Some I’m sure you’ve never heard… some are just great.

  1. El Ten Eleven – “My Only Swerving”
  2. The Four Hundred – “Marionettes”
  3. Liam Finn – “Second Chance”
  4. Brazillian Girls – “Homme”
  5. Andrew Bird – “A breaks B”
  6. Jeff Tweedy – “Simple Twist of Fate (Bob Dylan Cover)”
  7. Pseudosix – “Treacherous Ways”
  8. Nas – “Surviving the Times”
  9. Phosphorescent – “A Picture of Our Torn Up Praise”
  10. Galactic w/ Gift of Gab – “The Corner”
  11. Old Crow Medicine Show – “Cocaine Habit”
  12. frYars – “happY”
  13. Wax Fang – “Avant Guardian Angel Dust”
  14. The Flaming Lips – “Nobody Told Me (John Lennon Cover) – Live”
  15. The Bowerbirds – “Human Hands”

Now, there is something special about people around the end of the year, and it’s a good thing. Good hearted people are good no matter how you spin it. When I was younger, I would get excited for presents holidays because I was a greedy little bastard for what would seem like no reason. Instead of hating the way things are, I think it’s time for me (and the rest) to love it the right way. The problem is… they just don’t make McDonalds French Fries and 6-Piece McNuggets Christmas like they used to…


Song of the Day – 12/5/07

Wow… very few posts on my part lately. For that I apologize.


Let me just hit you with it. A band I heard for the first time sometime early this year (March?) just made me happy all over. I refer, of course to Brooklyn’s Meowskers. A musical supergroup of sorts. These guys have a sound that seems to make it into every mix and “best new” list I’ve made for a while. It really calls upon a Flaming Lips style song with great rock vocals to add. These guys surprise me with every song and their debut, Fake Orange EP is stunning. They weave melodic stylings seamlessly with powerful, raw rock that just shakes your fucking head off. This is my new theme song for walking out of the subway station… that’s refreshing!

MP3: Meowskers – “Colors That Lie!”

Now, if it seems like these dudes couldn’t get any better, I just took a little trip to their MySpace and saw that they have their whole EP for download in 192 kbps. FOR FREE. Nasty.

Here it is (absolutely CANNOT wait for the album):

Oh Meowskers, will you ever stop giving? No, and this is the best part. A site that I know, love and hold so dear to my heart, Daytrotter, has an exclusive session with these guys and its OFF THE CHARTS. This is a group I’m dying to see live, at this point. Writing this post makes me want to see them right now. Check out the Daytrotter Session and especially “Dead or Awake,” thats just more proof of the musicality of an already fun band.

MP3’s and MORE: Meowskers – Daytrotter Sessions